
Supporting Community Caregivers: Join OneSky’s Caregivers Training Program

Caregivers and young children share a uniquely close relationship. The more one learns on how to support a child’s growth, the more confident they will become as a caregiver. As the demand for children caring grows, OneSky’s “Parenting Skills Training Program” perfectly meets the needs of caregivers for parenting and child development knowledge, and can also help equip community caregivers to provide appropriate care for young children, relieving their pressure.

Handling the emotions and behavior of young children is challenging for many new parents and community caregivers. OneSky’s “Parenting Skills Training Program” covers 6 main themes: growth, care, discipline, emotions, play, and reading to address these needs. Participants are introduced to responsive care, understanding and responding to children’s emotions, and how to guide and empower children. The 16-hour course is designed for child caregivers, including parents and community carers. Grandparents are also welcome to attend to understand the current needs of child development.

Bonnie (alias) is a new parent who participated in the caregiver training program in 2024. She said that after taking the course, she learned responsive care and better understood her son’s needs. She said: “My son was not used to going out and was very shy. I noticed that for a period of time he would clench his fists every time he went out. So I used the responsive care method, observed his behavior, and then interpreted it, finding that he was not used to going out frequently and having to interact with so many people. I then told him, ‘Don’t be afraid, mommy will be by your side.’ After a while, he learned to relax.”

She also mentioned that at the beginning, she was anxious about taking care of her son. She started to make more friends in the course, and they continued to keep in touch and share parenting tips even after the program, which expanded her social circle. Bonnie said that being able to take a break from her son and learn new knowledge at the same time was a win-win situation for her.

Caregivers are the first line of defense in protecting young children, and their physical and mental health are extremely important. Learning more knowledge and skills in caring for young children can reduce the anxiety on the parenting journey. Click here to learn more about the caregiver training program.

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